028 2564 6481 ttp@thermoking.co.uk


Technical Transport Products are delighted to be a designated drop-off point for Cash for Kids: Mission Christmas appeal 2018.




At TTP and Thermo King we are committed to supporting local charities and this Christmas, Cash for Kids is asking the local community to buy one extra gift and to leave it off, unwrapped at a drop-off point.  We are proud to be one of those drop-off points!

Just leave your unwrapped gift in to the shiny box beside Darryl at the front desk before Monday 17th December and we will pass it on to the appeal.

The gifts go to local children who are suffering from poverty and who are unlikely to receive anything on Christmas Day. Cash for Kids are especially looking for gifts for babies and teenagers. Mission Christmas isn’t asking for anything big or expensive, just simple gifts that you could pick up with your weekly shop. We have included some gift ideas below.


We will also be holding a Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 14th December to raise money for the Mission Christmas appeal. so, why not join in and wear the ugliest jumper you can find and make a donation!




Just text FIVE to give £5 or TEN to give £10 to 70808*.


You can make a one-off donation, set up a monthly direct debit or pay in money you’ve raised online.


We are excited to make this Christmas a day to remember for local children.


You can find us at:

Woodside Industrial Estate
